Fri, 27 April 2007
Identity and talent are explored, as Kim rejoins the Lama in Benares, heals a child, and transforms a desperate colleague.
Thu, 26 April 2007
Direct download: The_Celebrated_Jumpring_Frog_of_Calaveras_County.m4a
Category:Short Stories -- posted at: 7:28pm EST |
Wed, 25 April 2007
Mapping, disguise, danger, the intercession of friends and the supernatural form Kim's initiation into the Great Game: Britain's struggle to hold India, the jewel in the crown of Empire, against Russian subversion.
Mon, 9 April 2007
Fri, 6 April 2007
Kim & Mahbub come to understand one another, and foil a plot against Mahbub's life. They then travel to Simla, where a unique teacher awaits Kim.
Tue, 3 April 2007
Kim is taken to his first term at St. Xavier's School by the mysterious Col. Creighton, is seen safely inside by the beloved Lama, and has his unusual vacation trip explained by Mahbub Ali.