Lorna Doone, Vol. 3, chap. 2 & 3 Jeremy leads the rival militias of Devon and Somerset against the Doone stronghold. Agents of the Court of Chancery seek Lorna and her estate at the Ridd's farm.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._3_chap._2__3.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 5:11pm EST

Lorna Doone, Vol. 3, chap. 1 Jeremy tells John of meeting the hostess of an inn; she came to England from Italy, in service to a noble family, and reveals the tragic end of Lorna's real parents.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._3_chap._1.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 5:13pm EST

Lorna Doone, Vol. 2, Chap. 23 & 24 Counsellor Doone visits the Ridds, intimidates, flatters, and tells Lorna and John that their fathers killed one another. Failing to split them, the Counsellor steals Lorna's precious necklace.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._2_chap._23__24.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 10:54pm EST

Lorna Doone, Vol. 2, Chap. 22 Lorna's presence in John's life causes a stir in the neighborhood, the household, and especially with Cousin Ruth.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._2_chap._22.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 9:16pm EST

Lorna Doone, Vol. 2, Chap. 20 & 21 John and Jeremy prepare to defend the farm from marauding Doones. Carver threatens Lorna. She wakes the weary John, and reinforced, they fight off the Doones.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._2_chap._20__21.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 8:38pm EST

Lorna Doone, Vol. 2, Chap. 18 & 19 Despite floods, Squire Faggus visits Plover's Barrows, and finds Lorna's necklace tremendously valuable. Jeremy Stickles makes his way there afterwards, chased by three murderous Doones.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._2_chap._18__19.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 10:35pm EST

Lorna Doone, Vol. 2, Chap. 16 & 17 Lorna and Gwenny are rescued by John from the Doones, despite the blizzard. The Ridds receive Lorna into their home, and spring comes, with threat of flood.
Direct download: Lorna_Doone_vol._2_chap._16__17.m4b
Category:Lorna Doone -- posted at: 10:16pm EST





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