The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 18-21 Back at home, Tom shows uncanny insight about events that took place while he was supposedly "away." Aunt Polly questions his good nature, Becky Thatcher rejects and accepts him, and school comes to a resounding close for the summer.
Direct download: The_Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_18-21.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 14-17 Tom, Joe and Huck leave civilization behind, but notice a search for them. Tom spies on his family back home, but in spite of homesickness, storm, and trouble learning to smoke, the boys stay out until they have a chance to hear their own eulogies.
Direct download: The_Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_14-17.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 10-13 Witness of a murder makes a heavy burden for Tom and Huck. This brings Tom very low, Aunt Polly tries to cure him, and Tom doses the cat. Rejected in love, Tom turns to "piracy" with Huck and Joe.
Direct download: Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_10-13.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 8:41pm EST

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 7-9 Understanding between Becky and Tom is brief, driving Tom to consider life as an outlaw. When he and Huck visit the graveyard at midnight, drawbacks become all too clear.
Direct download: Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_7-9.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 6:04pm EST

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 5 and 6 At church, Tom's mind wanders, and he lets his "pinch bug" out of the box, to wander and make exciting friends. Monday Tom avoids school, fakes illness, talks with the outcast Huck Finn, and confesses. Punishment? To sit next to the admired new girl!
Direct download: Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_5__6_4.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 7:44pm EST

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 3 and 4 Tom tries for a little justice of his own, changes his affections, leads a small army, is unjustly punished, and wins a Bible by showing more scholarship than he actually has.
Direct download: The_Adv._of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_3__4.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 6:09pm EST

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapters 1 and 2 Tom tries to get the most out of life as a small boy in a small river town in Missouri before the Civil War, and his Aunt Polly tries to bring him up to responsible respectability, giving him the odious chore of whitewashing their board fence.
Direct download: The_Adv._of_Tom_Sawyer_Chapters_1__2.m4b
Category:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- posted at: 8:14pm EST

Bartleby the Scrivener, Part 2 of 2 Unable to get Bartleby to leave his office, the owner of the law firm moves the office instead. Bartleby remains in the old building until removed by the landlord, and is sent to the Tombs, a Manhattan prison.
Direct download: Bartleby_the_Scrivener_Part_2_of_2.m4b
Category:Short Stories -- posted at: 7:06pm EST





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